It’s Spring and the Sap is Rising

Listen to the birds. They get started before five am these days, ridiculously cheerful in the predawn light. They are yelling “Pick me! Pick me!” hoping this will attract a mate. Same with all those spring frogs with their lovely dusk and dawn chorus. Seems to work for them.

Then there’s the flowers. Shameless, really. Waving their big, glossy, brilliant color around, luring the unsuspecting bee with a sweet scent. The dance is a bit more complicated here, since they need a third party to consummate the process. Bumble bee lumbers flower to flower, taking the equivalent of sperm cells from plant to plant, fertilizing as they browse. Be grateful we don’t have that mating ritual.

Point is, everything outdoors is waking up horny after a long winter. Ready to reach out and touch someone, and make more of itself. The longer days warm the leaves, they open up and exhale oxygen and water, drawing sweetness up from the old cold roots coiled deep below. And spew pollen. That’s why you’re sneezing: tree sperm. Even the trees are in on it.

Silly humans, we think we’re special. Big brains and all. Not driven by mere instinct, we think and plan and execute, purposeful. Need a partner? Make your shopping list: must-haves, cant-cope-with, would-be-nice-but-its-negotiable. Get some good photos, jump online. Swipe away. Why doesn’t this feel romantic?

Let’s observe some animal behavior: hang out on campus. Attractive young people emerge blinking into the sunshine, flop in the grass, ostensibly studying. And eying one another across the green lawn. The squirrels chase each other from tree to tree. When one catches another, they don’t waste time seeking privacy for their engagement. Fortunately, the humans usually do.

Being long past my fruitful reproductive years (thank god) I watch this with amusement. Notice I didn’t say detached amusement. I am not immune. After all, it’s spring, and the sap is rising.

1 thought on “It’s Spring and the Sap is Rising

  1. Patrise! This is one of your best posts! Loved it and aim to share.


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