Can I Choose to be Happy?

Back in the 90s a little company called Republic of Tea was created by the same people who launched the retailer Banana Republic. The Republic of Tea launched with clever marketing, beautiful packaging, intriguing flavors, and lots of story, including Ministers instead of Managers.

There were pithy sayings on each tin of tea from the Minister of Leaves. One of those has stuck with me for decades:

“Happiness is wanting what you have.”

The Minister of Leaves

When I first read that I tried the idea on: I want my cat. I want my car. I want my job. I want my apartment.

Right away I could feel the “buts” rising up:BUT it’s a crummy apartment. BUT it’s a low paying job. BUT my car is older and boring. (My cat Junipur was purrfect 😎) Suddenly I saw how all those “buts” were distorting my thinking. They were making me feel dissatisfied with my life.

Why not be happy about my apartment? I could still want a house, without negating where I lived at the moment. I could still want a better job, without diminishing the one I had today.

I am grateful to that original Minister of Leaves for a cup of wisdom that has proved invaluable. That quote showed me a path to a happier existence, and helped me live more in the present.

Is there something or someone who deserves more appreciation? Something that you do that you’re not acknowledging? Try owning one imperfect aspect of your life. Accepting it as it is. Does it feel different?

I wish you all a good cup of tea, in a beautiful cup, with all the contentment it can bring.

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